In the workshop #ilUStra an idea, #enLATA a message will be led by the artist and illustratorKilomba. Her idea is to motivate the participants to interact with the three spaces of the illy coffee tinduring the ÚS festival in Barcelona. The idea of the workshop is to create a mural composed of a total of all of the coffee tins that the participants will have illustrated. The participants will be invited to leave an illustrated message, written or object, on the inner part of the tin. In this way, each participant is to think of the three spaces of the tin: interior, exterior, and context.
The artist Kilomba will prepare the tins of illy coffee by painting them white so that the participants can draw their ideas on the exterior part. She will guide the participants so that everyone will work under a similar aesthetic and therefore, create a mural that has a common visual base.
Once the participant has illustrated the exterior of the tin and left a message in its interior, this tin will be placed on top of another in order to construct the mural.
The idea is that Kilomba’s studio, Sardinuka, willtake down all of the tins once the festival comes to a close and will distribute them throughout the city so that others can come across the illustrations and the messages on the inside of the tins. In order for people to find the tins, and know where the object comes from, each tin will be marked with thehashtag #ilUStra_LATA which will take them to see the action taking place in the ÚS festival.


